
Government and Public Agencies

  • US Agency for International Development (USAID) World-wide Programs
    • EXPRO – El Salvador
    • MIDAS – Colombia
    • FIRMS – Pakistan
    • CORE-Dairy – Sri Lanka
    • Agribizinis – Serbia
    • Trade Capacity Building Program – Panama
  • US Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Montenegro, Serbia & Colombia
  • AGEXPORT– Guatemala
  • APEDE/APEX Panama
  • Chemonics
  • Interamerican Dev’t Bank (IDB) – Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua & Panama
  • DAI
  • EXPORT TT- Trinidad & Tobago
  • FOMILENIO – EXPRO– El Salvador
  • JAMPRO– Jamaica
  • JE Austin
  • Nathan & Associates
  • World Bank/OPIC– Ukraine
  • PROCOLOMBIA Colombia
  • SEDA – Southeastern European Dairy Association - Serbia


Corporate Clients

  • ALPINA Colombia
  • ALQUERÍA Colombia
  • GRUPO LALA– Mexico
  • PASTEURIZADORA RICA– Dominican Republic
  • TETRA PAK - World Wide


Ongoing Projects

  • Meadow Gold Dairies: Hawai’i Islands US (Since 2020). Assisting in acquisition aspects, current product line evaluation, implementation of new product lines and categories, verification of regulatory compliance and processing facility expansion in the Big Island of Hawai’i.
  • Crescent Dairy & Beverages: South Carolina US (Since 2011). Assisted and designed in establishment of a start-up dairy and beverage UHT/Aseptic processing facility as part of a US$30 million Foreign Direct Investment by a Latin American private investment fund US. Responsibilities included: development of Request for Proposal Process (RFP), identification and selection of site/location, negotiation of economic incentives package with state authorities and development agencies, which generated in excess $10 million of granted direct benefits for the new venture; developed dairy and beverages processing plant design, product selection for new markets in the US, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia including procurement of clientele for co-packing production.
  • Grade A – PMO Certification Diagnosis, Preparation and Certification (Since 2008). Members of our professional team are worldwide advisors for dairy processors in assessing and determining their status of compliance of the US FDA dairy standard for milk and milk products (Pasteurized Milk Ordinance “PMO – Grade A”): Among some of the companies already assisted are Colombia (Colanta, Alqueria, Alpina), Costa Rica (Dos Pinos), Dominican Republic (Pasteurizadora RICA), El Salvador (Lácteos Morazán), Panama (Estrella Azul), Serbia (Sabac Dairy, BT Dairy), Spain (Grupo Leche Pascual), Pakistan (Engro Foods), Mexico (Grupo Lala), Tetra Pak, etc.

Completed Projects

  • PROCOLOMBIA National Export Readiness Diagnostic of Major Colombian Dairies (2018–2020). A complete study developed jointly with government export development agency which presents current production capacities and diagnostics of US regulatory compliance and market opportunities by the twelve major dairy processors in Colombia.
  • Master Market Study of US Hispanic Dairy Market Consumer Products (2019) Comprehensive Market Study with information of more than 7000 products for sale in more than 130 stores in 18 metropolitan areas of the USA for categories such as cheese, yogurt, shelf stable milks, etc. This study allows to identify product details such as brands, labels, nutritional information, unit price, country of origin, importers, where sold, who manufactures and who distributes, including specific store locations and product and store websites. All of this information in dynamic excel tables for proper tabulation and efficient selection.
  • China Consumer market Opportunities for International UHT Milk processors (2018) A comprehensive study of available UHT milk products available to the consumer market, evaluation of selected importers and retailers and development potential demand figures and price structure for successful instruction of UHT milk into the Chinese markets, ideal for any UHT dairy processor worldwide.
  • SENACYT/Government of Panama (2008-2010). Members of our professional team form part of Advisory Committee for the Secretary of Science and Technology, of the Government of Panama. In this program, we are responsible for evaluating program proposals by the Agro and Dairy companies and determining their feasibility and aptness for financing. Furthermore, we perform supervision of approved projects.
  • Grupo Leche Pascual, Spain (1996-2011). Supervised the “PMO – Grade A” standard implementation for the largest family owned dairy processor in Europe, as well as a supervised all relationships and alliances with the US-FDA and USDA; led all quarterly “Grade A” official inspections. Other responsibilities included review of labeling for dairy products for compliance with applicable standards, negotiating distribution contracts, managing trade show exhibits, supervision of US distribution, development of new products for the American market and institutional relations with the health authorities of the governments of other north and Latin American nations.
  • OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation / World Bank): Ukraine (2011). Our firm performed an extensive and comprehensive technical due diligence program based on the analysis and evaluation of the milk production and grains sectors in Ukraine with the objective to determine the feasibility of A proposed establishment of a new 6000 milk cow farm with production of 150 thousand liters of milk per day and generation of 3 MW of electricity fueled by manure. This activity was assigned to establish justification of a US$100 million by the World Bank in favor of the Ukrainian Milk Company (UMC).
  • USAID – AECOM: Sri Lanka (2011).  Designed a 17000 cows milk production farm and a 10,000 MT/year dry milk processing center for a local consortium which represented an investment into the Sri Lanka economy of nearly US$200 million.
  • USAID – AECOM: Sri Lanka (2010-2011). Developed series of seminars on USDA and US-FDA Phytosanitary and labeling norms’ compliance for members of the Dairy Sector. Performed inspection visits to milk and cheese processing plants and presented a “Needs and Requirements” diagnostic to the local Health Authorities.
  • USAID – Chemonics: Pakistan (2010). Led the National Dairy Sector Value Chain strengthening program under the FIRMS program for the government of Pakistan. Responsibilities included designing and leading the implementation of a 5-year strategy for the diary sector with the objective to improve quality standards, gender inclusion and international expansion.
  • US Millennium Challenge Corporation – Chemonics: El Salvador (2009-2012). Developed the country Dairy Sector Assessment and defined export potential perspectives for cheese and cream products. Worked with rural cattlemen associations and micro cheese makers thru out northern El Salvador in developing new strategies for quality improvement, productivity and cooperative development. Led and designed the establishment of a new dairy cooperative, which included collection and processing centers.
  • USAID – DAI Agribiznis Projekt: Serbia (2009-2011). Assisted the “Agribiznis” project in the development and establishment of the first Serbian Dairy Processors Association, which was inaugurated on November 12th, 2011. Currently assisting the board of Advisors and assisted in the preparation of the first Southeastern Europe Dairy Congress in 2012.
  • USAID – DAI Agribiznis Projekt: Serbia (2009-2011). Developed trade capacity programs for selected cheese makers and developed a trade missions of medium size cheese manufacturers to the Fancy Food Show of New York; Also developed jointly with the Montenegro Hotel Association a trade mission of Serbian cheese makers to that nation which resulted in trade of Serbian fluid milk and cheeses in volumes of 50 MT/per week to supply the demand of dairy products for the 2009 summer Montenegrin tourist season. Assisted in the development and establishment of the first Dairy Industry Association in Southeastern Europe, SEDA.
  • IDB – Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Panama (2008-2009). Under contract with the Inter-American Development Bank IDB, ADEM developed a one-year program consisting of identification and selection of companies with export potential in the sectors of Dairy, agro-industry and other multi sectorial fields; training of the selected companies for effective international trade show participation and collaborating with them in their trade show follow thru of leads and negotiations; and supervised and developed successfully the Panamanian international trade show participation program for the Panamanian Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade of Panama by effectively developing all responsibilities for participation in 6 international trade shows in Spain, US, and Central America.
  • USDA: Republic of Montenegro (2008). Developed a series of seminars jointly with USDA and US-FDA for the Republic of Montenegro Dairy sector. Performing inspection visits to milk and cheese plants and presented a “Needs and Requirements” diagnostic report to USDA and the Montenegro Ministry of Agriculture under request of the US Embassy in that nation. Develop a quality assessment of national dairy producers from a perspective of “compliance of general international dairy practices” and their potential to supply the national food service and tourism sectors.
  • AgroCafta – IDB Training the trainers: Central America (2008). Program developed for the Central American Ministries of Health and Agriculture Inspectors on export requirements and regulations for perishable and processed foods exports from Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica to the US.
  • USDA – Serbia (2007-2008). Developed a series of seminars jointly with USDA and US-FDA in trade capacity building for members of the dairy sector of the Republic of Serbia, for both private and public. Inspection visits to milk and cheese plants were performed and presented a “Quality Improvement and Int’l Standards Requirements” diagnostic report to the USDA and the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture. A selected group of cheese makers were identified, trained on GMP US business practices, export market development, and trade show management and attendance practices. We Developed and managed the Serbian Cheese Pavilion at the Fancy Food Show in Chicago in April 2008 which counted with the participation of selected Serbian FETA cheese making companies.
  • USAID – ARD / AECOM: Colombia (2005-2008). Assisted the MIDAS program of the US AID were we were responsible for reviewing Colombia’s Dairy legislation (Decree 616) and drafting a proposal legislation document to reflect with US FDA dairy regulation PMO – Grade A. Responsible for assisting Colombian authorities in the drafting the national legislation for surveillance and control of dairy production and processing; including training of inspectors for dairy farms and processing plants. Selection of SME’s in the dairy sector and training them for export trade and for of incoming buyers’ trade missions. Also developed a countrywide Cheese facility USDA evaluation under supervision of USDA’s Phil Wolff Chief Inspector for dairy processing plants.
  • USAID – Nathan Inc. / JE Austin – Trade Capacity Building program: – Panama (2005-2007). Developed a dairy industry country profile and feasibility study of Panama’s dairy products competitiveness in US and Central American markets. Identified and selected prospective SME’s in the food processing industry and trained them in their approach of US and other foreign markets. Trained and assisted agro-industry companies to have their products meet US phytosanitary standards and labeling regulations and trained them in improving their practices to participate in international trade shows in the US.
  • USAID- Nathan Inc.: El Salvador (2003-2005). As deputy Marketing Coordinators of the EXPRO program, our main functions were to assist and support SMEs in promotion of exports. Responsibilities developed were product niche identification, market selection and company introductions to importers, trade show attendance and participation and market development for new ethnic products in the US and Spain.